Safety & Security
Based on its stance of respecting human life and ensuring safety, as laid out in the Group Management Philosophy and Corporate Stance, the Yamato Group thoroughly adheres to its philosophy of placing safety first and business second, positioning respect for human life as a priority at all times. We have created a work environment where employees can work with peace of mind and we also share our philosophy of respecting human life and ensuring safety, endeavoring to prevent traffic accidents and occupational accidents alongside our partner companies and business partners.
The Yamato Group owns a large number of vehicles and uses public roads as its main place of business. The Group's business operations therefore have a major impact on society, and we believe that ensuring the safety of local communities is an important responsibility. Road safety is also an aspect of occupational safety for the employees who drive and ride in our vehicles.
In addition to transportation safety, we are also engaged in occupational health and safety initiatives to provide better services to our customers, based on the belief that the safety and health of the more than 180,000 employees who support the Yamato Group is the foundation for the Group's sustainable growth. We are also engaged in quality safety initiatives to create customer satisfaction.
Sustainability Metrics and Targets (2024–2026)
- Reduce the number of traffic accidents where bodily injury occurs by 5% compared with FY 2023
- Reduce frequency of lost workday injuries to 5.7 (down by 5% compared with FY 2023)
- Improve NPS year on year
- External communication regarding functional improvement points in existing products and services for 12 improvement points
For detailed targets and results, please refer to Sustainability Strategies, Goals and Results.
Safety Policy
Every company in the Yamato Group emphasizes the concept of “conducting safety management systematically and continuously through the leadership of top management,” indicated by the transport safety management system stipulated by Japan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. We have formulated safety management regulations and plans for ensuring transport safety, as well as setting a basic policy on transport safety and promoting initiatives.
Yamato Transport has formulated a basic policies on safety and health and on traffic safety in its Plan for Ensuring Transport Safety. Please refer to the Disclosures of Transport Safety Management Information for details.
Basic Policies on Transport Safety and Health and Safety
Embodiment of the “safety first and business second” concept
Initiatives for Ensuring Safety
- Creation of work environments where people can work safely and with peace of mind
- Development of professionals
- Programs and initiatives aimed at increasing safety awareness